
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare update 1.13 has been cooking for quite some time, but fans will finally be able to get their hands on it over the next few days. In its most recent Community Update blog post, the game’s developers at Treyarch teased big changes and quietly delayed the arrival of Season 2 multiplayer content.

Starting with an eye towards the slightly more distant future, it looks as though the game’s Season 2 Battle Pass will arrive later than expected. Although Treyarch never officially announced an end date for the current festivities, dataminers pegged an approximate conclusion around January 28. As of now, however, that date has changed.

“We’re extending Season 1, which will now end on February 11,” the post reads. However, the developers contend that there’s lots more content on the way, including new challenges, items, more game modes, new playlists and a Crossbow weapon that can be unlocked via an in-game objective. As if that wasn’t enough, IW will also be hosting an increased number of 2XP, 2X Weapon XP and 2X Tier Up promotions to ensure all active players make the most of December’s Battle Pass. In fact, there’s a 2XP event live through January 20.

All that being considered, then, it’s no surprise that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare‘s next big content update is also on the horizon. Infinity Ward has dispatched a few small server side fixes over the past two weeks, but those haven’t offered much beyond playlist shuffles, slight balance changes and other minor tweaks. Especially considering update 1.12 was dispatched one month ago, it’s good to hear that 1.13 is nearly ready for release. IW didn’t detail what the patch will contain, though, only describing it as “a big update.”

Some past reveals may offer some additional clues about what to expect, however. In early January, studio Art Director Joel Emslie teased on social media that the team is hard at work on updates that feature additional Custom Loadout slots and a major overhaul to the existing Blueprint system. “It’s in mainline back at the studio, and we’ve been tinkering with it. I’m not sure which update it’s in, but I think it’s next,” Emslie said, adding “I’m not certain about all this, so don’t get fired up on me if I’m wrong.” These statements were made with regard to loadout expansion specifically. The Blueprint changes, which are expected to allow players to “Frankenstein” weapons together using various attachments, may be a bit further in the pipeline.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available now on PS4, Xbox One and PC. An exact release date for Update 1.13 has not been revealed, but most major patches release around 1 p.m. EST on Tuesdays.

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